A Note from Lutheran Services – MyCanvas Youth Arts
MyCanvas art therapy workshops provide opportunities for at-risk youth to increase self-esteem, self-expression, and community resiliency. We seek to provide a safe and healthy environment for both those who volunteer and those we serve. We use art as a tool to engage and encourage youth to participate in the art-making process – to feel better about themselves and encourage their voice. MyCanvas is not about the perfection of the art being created, but about fulfillment and accomplishment in the process.
MyCanvas will host a summer workshop at the Spring Valley Apartments in Murfreesboro, Mondays in July beginning July 2, from 2:00-3:30 pm. We are looking for 2-3 volunteers each Monday to help mentor youth with art projects.
Contact: Janet Arning, jarningLST@gmail.com, (615) 881-4579