Reta King

Reta King, Nominated by Candle Wishes Foundation

Mom_2U4A7082Reta has been an influential leader of the Candle Wishes organization since the very beginning in 2003. She has worked tirelessly every single month for the past 16 years serving as a board member and treasurer, making phone calls to participating families, gathering gifts, organizing birthday parties, planning fundraisers and countless other tasks making her integral to the success and growth of the Candle Wishes Foundation. She is an incredibly selfless person who serves and loves others with no expectation of recognition for her hard work. Reta loves the families in Candle Wishes so much that she freely sacrifices finances, time, sleep and so much more to give these children happy and memorable birthdays. More recently, she has been able to be a part of and see a dream come true for Candle Wishes as the ministry has expanded to Phoenix, Arizona. Reta has been and will continue to be a blessing to the ministry for years to come.

Reta will receive a certificate from Volunteer Rutherford and a $25 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Guaranty Trust Company.

