Encourage healthy eating at Farmer’s Market

AARP Foundation Fre$h Savings program is looking for volunteers to assist with Fre$h Savings at the Rutherford County Farmer’s Market this season.

Fre$h Savings is a SNAP incentive program that encourages SNAP recipients to purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables with their benefits. The program is an AARP Foundation grant funded program.
The position includes greeting consumers, answering questions, distributing and redeeming incentive tokens and helping with data reporting.

Schedule and Location:

*Rutherford County Farmers Market

*Program will be offered starting May 13 on Tuesdays and Fridays 7:00am -12:00 pm

*Volunteers needed for a 5 hr. shift on either Tues./Frid. or 2 1/2 hr. shift on either days or you can volunteer for both days.

A table chairs, and tent or other covering will be provided. 
All volunteers will be afforded the necessary guidance, training and materials needed to facilitate their roles successfully and will receive ongoing support from AARP Foundation national and local staff.

Contact Maria Parham at mparham@aarp.org or 901-786-2921 for more information.


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