E.T. Guice

ET Guice, Nominated by Sheriff’s Senior Citizens Awareness Network

etguiceE.T. Guice coordinates the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Senior Citizens Awareness Network.

She has been a volunteer for about eight years.

She volunteers at least 20 hours a week or more caring for the forgotten senior citizens, many who live alone and don’t have anyone to help them. 

E.T. leads a team of about eight volunteers who ensure seniors have food and safe living conditions. 

SCAN volunteers’ duties for senior citizens include delivering donated food, installing fire alarms, providing medical alert buttons and transportation vouchers paid from grant funds, visiting and calling and linking seniors to other community services such as Meals on Wheels, the Lions Club to donate glasses and volunteers who build home ramps.

E.T. and her husband, Clarence, the co-coordinator, have spent countless amounts of their own funds to pay for emergency food and immediate needs. They are available around the clock for emergencies.

The Guices are unselfish with their time in their care for senior citizens.

E.T. will receive a certificate from Volunteer Rutherford and a $25 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Guaranty Home Mortgage Corporation.

