Phil Barnett

Phil Barnett, Nominated by Murfreesboro Symphony Orchestra

philbarnettPhil serves as president of the Murfreesboro Symphony Orchestra board. Staff say that he goes above and beyond the call of duty volunteering not only with the orchestra but also with other organizations including the Center for the Arts, Fisher House, Red Cross and many more. A retired navy man, Phil can be found any day of the week at one of his many organizations stuffing envelopes, making phone calls, helping to solve problems, working on budgets, manning booths, giving talks (in person and on radio), hanging posters, selling tickets, helping with fundraisers and more. Orchestra staff say that he is their biggest cheerleader and helps spread the word to everyone about the work that they do. Phil will receive a certificate from Volunteer Rutherford and a $25 gift card courtesy of Guaranty Trust.